Order Pay Online Solutions
Secure a spot with us!
Let your guests/customers easily reserve a table, book an event or experience, purchase a ticket, … entirely automatically through your website
or via QR-code.
Order a gift voucher online!
Vouchers can be an effective way to retain existing customers and attract new ones.
“Your personal waiter”
is always at the table!
The QR-code on the table allows guests to view the digital menu, order food and drinks, and make payments online.
Enjoy our delicious dishes
from the comfort of your home!
Your guests can order food and drinks online through your website and either pick them up later or have them delivered.
Simply order to your room
and enjoy!
Guests can use a QR-code in their room to order from the hotel’s offerings and charge it to their room.
The entire offer at a glance
and where to find it!
Integration of multiple locations allows guests to order/reserve and pay for the entire offer through one app.

Digitalne rešitve v gostinstvu razbremenjujejo osebje z avtomatizacijo nalog, kot so na primer dostava menijev, sprejemanje naročil in plačila. To vodi do bolj zadovoljivega delovnega okolja in lahko zmanjša fluktuacijo zaposlenih.
Digitalne rešitve v gostinstvu razbremenjujejo osebje z avtomatizacijo nalog, kot so na primer dostava menijev, sprejemanje naročil in plačila. To vodi do bolj zadovoljivega delovnega okolja in lahko zmanjša fluktuacijo zaposlenih.
Digital solutions in the hospitality industry can address your staffing challenges by automating tasks such as menu delivery, order taking, and payment processing. This automation not only enhances operational efficiency but also creates a more satisfying work environment, reducing employee turnover. By implementing digital tools, restaurants and hotels can optimize their operations, leading to increased satisfaction among both employees and guests.

Digitalna preobrazba poenostavlja operacije, izboljšuje upravljanje virov in sodelovanje, kar vodi do bolj vitkih in bolj agilnih operacij. Sistemi tudi izničijo jezikovne bariere in pohitrijo procese, kot so naročanje, rezerviranje in plačevanje.
Digitalna preobrazba poenostavlja operacije, izboljšuje upravljanje virov in sodelovanje, kar vodi do bolj vitkih in bolj agilnih operacij. Sistemi tudi izničijo jezikovne bariere in pohitrijo procese, kot so naročanje, rezerviranje in plačevanje.
Digital transformation in the hospitality industry streamlines processes, improves resource management, and promotes better collaboration, leading to smoother and more agile operations. Modern systems eliminate language barriers and speed up processes like ordering, reservations, and payments, allowing you to optimize your operations and increase customer satisfaction.

Uvedba digitalnih sistemov zmanjšuje vključenost osebja v različne procese. To vodi do zmanjšanja stroškov dela in zmanjšuje napake, povezane z naročili, izboljšuje natančnost rezervacij in posledično zmanjšuje odpadke in povezane stroške.
Uvedba digitalnih sistemov zmanjšuje vključenost osebja v različne procese. To vodi do zmanjšanja stroškov dela in zmanjšuje napake, povezane z naročili, izboljšuje natančnost rezervacij in posledično zmanjšuje odpadke in povezane stroške.
By introducing digital systems in hospitality, you can deploy your staff more efficiently, as they are relieved from routine tasks like order taking and payment processing. This leads to lower labor costs, reduces order errors, improves booking accuracy, and decreases waste and associated costs. Digital tools not only simplify processes but also help reduce operational costs.

Digitalne rešitve, kot so sistemi za mobilno naročanje in rezervacijski sistemi, širijo prodajne možnosti, saj uvedba takšne tehnologije vodi do višjih denarnih tokov (poveča se povprečno naročilo, saj se stranki ponudi jasna in privlačna ponudba).
Digitalne rešitve, kot so sistemi za mobilno naročanje in rezervacijski sistemi, širijo prodajne možnosti, saj uvedba takšne tehnologije vodi do višjih denarnih tokov (poveča se povprečno naročilo, saj se stranki ponudi jasna in privlačna ponudba).
Digital solutions such as mobile ordering systems and reservation systems open up new opportunities for revenue growth in hospitality. The implementation of these technologies increases cash flow as the average order value rises due to clearly presented and attractive offers to customers. By utilizing modern digital systems, you can enhance customer engagement while maximizing your revenue.
Digital solutions in the hospitality industry can address your staffing challenges by automating tasks such as menu delivery, order taking, and payment processing. This automation not only enhances operational efficiency but also creates a more satisfying work environment, reducing employee turnover. By implementing digital tools, restaurants and hotels can optimize their operations, leading to increased satisfaction among both employees and guests.
Digital transformation in the hospitality industry streamlines processes, improves resource management, and promotes better collaboration, leading to smoother and more agile operations. Modern systems eliminate language barriers and speed up processes like ordering, reservations, and payments, allowing you to optimize your operations and increase customer satisfaction.
By introducing digital systems in hospitality, you can deploy your staff more efficiently, as they are relieved from routine tasks like order taking and payment processing. This leads to lower labor costs, reduces order errors, improves booking accuracy, and decreases waste and associated costs. Digital tools not only simplify processes but also help reduce operational costs.
Digital solutions such as mobile ordering systems and reservation systems open up new opportunities for revenue growth in hospitality. The implementation of these technologies increases cash flow as the average order value rises due to clearly presented and attractive offers to customers. By utilizing modern digital systems, you can enhance customer engagement while maximizing your revenue.

Technological advancement has completely transformed the business landscape of the hospitality industry. The faster the industry adapts to the digital age, the easier it will be for businesses to maintain their connection with customers in the future.
Would you like to know more about our solutions?
- Talk to the experts.
- Digitise your services.
- Flexible and affordable.